1959 born in Luzern
1977 Beginni to paint as autodidact
1980-84 Stay in Paris
1985 Dislocation to Basel
2001 Participation at the "grosse Kunstausstellung",
Haus der Kunst, Munich
2002 Participation at the "grosse Kunstausstellung",
Haus der Kunst, Munich
2004 Participation at the "grosse Kunstausstellung",
Haus der Kunst, Munich
2007 Exhibition, Galerie Latzer, Kreuzlingen
2008 Exhibition, Galerie Latzer, Kreuzlingen
2012 Exhibition, Galerie am Schanzengraben, Zurich
2013 Exhibition, RappazMuseum, Basel
2019 Exhibition, Galerie Latzer, Kreuzlingen
2019 Exhibition, RappazMuseum, Basel
2020 Exhibition, RappazMuseum, Basel